
Iran is a country located in the Middle East, bordered by Afghanistan and Pakistan to the east, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia to the north, the Caspian Sea to the north and west, and Turkey and Iraq to the west. It has a population of about 83 million people and its capital is Tehran. The official language of Iran is Persian, also known as Farsi.

Iran has a long and rich history, with a civilization dating back to ancient times. It has been home to a number of empires and dynasties, including the Achaemenid Empire, the Sassanian Empire, and the Safavid Empire. Iran is a predominantly Shia Muslim country, but it also has significant minority populations of Sunnis and other religious groups.

Iran has a diverse economy, with a mix of public and private sectors. Oil and natural gas are the country's main exports, and it is also a major producer of petrochemicals and other industrial products. Agriculture is also important to the Iranian economy, with crops such as wheat, rice, and sugar beet being grown in the country. Iran is known for its arts and culture, including its literature, music, and visual arts, which have been influenced by its history and its location at the crossroads of various civilizations.... Show more

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