
Brunei is a small country located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia, it is bordered by the South China Sea to the north, Malaysia to the east and south. The capital and largest city is Bandar Seri Begawan. The official language is Malay and the currency is the Brunei dollar. The population is around 438,000.

Brunei has a tropical climate and its economy is heavily dependent on its vast reserves of oil and natural gas. The country is also known for its wealth and luxurious lifestyle, as well as its traditional culture and Islamic heritage.

Brunei is an absolute monarchy, with the Sultan of Brunei as the head of state and government. The country has a stable government and a long-standing tradition of political stability.

Brunei has a rich history and culture, with influences from the Malay sultanates and the Islamic faith. The country is home to many historic sites and landmarks, such as the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque and the Royal Regalia Building. Brunei is also known for its traditional festivals and music, such as the Hari Raya Aidilfitri and the Brunei Cultural Festival.

Brunei is known for its natural beauty, including the rainforests of Ulu Temburong National Park and the beaches of Pantai Serasa. The country is also home to many national parks and protected areas, such as the Tutong District Mangrove Forest Reserve and the Tasek Merimbun Heritage Park.

Brunei has a strong tradition of respect for the environment, and the government is committed to preserving the natural resources of the country. The country has a variety of initiatives to promote environmental sustainability, such as the Integrated Management of Coastal Zone and the Integrated Solid Waste Management.... Show more

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